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The Master of Communication and Media (MCM) Graduate Student Association (GSA) at Rutgers University is a student organization that fills the gap between the students in the program and the faculty/staff. GSA brings any student concerns and ideas to improve the program to SC&I on behalf of the students. The MCM GSA also works together to plan various events during each semester and really encourages students to get involved as much as possible. Networking is a big part of success at SC&I, and GSA works hard to provide students with the opportunity to network as often as possible.


GSA is grounded on 3 pillars

Voice of the Students

We represent the MCM student body and are here for you! We welcome all suggestions/comments/concerns and can relay messages to faculty/staff to help make the program better.



Our goal is to give students the tools to make them better prepared for the future, better students, and achieve their personal and professional goals. We do this by offering workshops, networking events, or professional development tools, to name a few!


We work together to offer a charity or service component to build a cohesion amongst MCM students and to give back to local communities.

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